St John's School

Year 6 Leavers Presentation


You may be aware that year 6 are in the process of creating a leavers’ video to celebrate the end of their time at St John’s School. Following the advice of the education department, we will not be inviting grown-ups in to watch this. The video will be posted on Google Classroom where you will be able to download it and watch it with your child.

We do want to send our year 6s off with a fond farewell and so we have planned a short presentation to take place at 2:45 on the last day of term, in the gazebo. The children will sit in the gazebo and the grown ups will stand socially distanced around the outside of the gazebo.  We would like to invite you to join us as we say goodbye. Because there is limited space in our sensory garden, could we ask that only parents and carers attend.

Many thanks for your support and understanding at this time.

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