News update from Mrs De La Haye
Today we have had the second day of our Virtual Review Visit. It has gone very well indeed, with the reviewer appreciating all aspects of St John’s School and making very encouraging comments about the school community. Tomorrow is a planned day of interviews with staff and a few pupils – all completed virtually. 😊
I have just attended a COVID meeting to update us all on the current requirements, due to the rapid increase of COVID cases on the Island – particularly in schools. We have a number of pupils who are direct contacts and isolating at this current time. We continue to be very vigilant and careful in school and staff are wearing masks as they move around the building.
Year 6 transition is due to take place this week – as planned. Our Year 6 leavers are having an amazing time enjoying water and physical challenges around the Island from Monday – Wednesday.
I have included the latest Comms communication from which was issued at 2:30pm today.
At St John’s, we will have our Transition afternoon on Thursday. I have had a couple of staff ask to change year groups in the next academic year, which I was happy to support. We are in the process of appointing Mr. Ben Hagon for Year 4; however, the appointing process takes a long time to complete, but Mr Hagon will be in school on Thursday and Friday, getting to know children and staff.
Classes next year will be taught by the following class teachers: (They will notify you of the LSA support later, as this has not been fully completed).
Year 6 – Mrs Fairhead
Year 5 – Mr Le Rossignol
Year 4 – Mr Pallant and Mr Hagon
Year 3 – Mrs Day
Year 2 – Mrs Paul
Year 1 – Mrs Loveless and Mrs Le Moignan
Reception – Miss Walker and Mrs O’Malley
Nursery – Mrs Jones, Mrs Mercier and Mrs Beksusch.
Trusting we will all remain safe and well as we head towards the Summer holidays,
Kind regards,
Trudie De La Haye