Year 4 La Hougue Bie
On Friday 18th June Year 4 will be visiting La Hougue Bie to support their learning about the Neolithic’s. We will leave school by coach at 9.00am and return by 2.30pm ensuring children can be collected as normal. Please can children wear school PE kit, a cap or sun hat, and have sunscreen applied before they come to school. Please can all children also have a waterproof coat in case of inclement weather. We will be eating lunch on site; please can all children bring their lunch in a disposable bag.
Mr Pallant, Mr De La Haye, Mrs Hall, and Mrs Newton will be attending. We will also be meeting Helen Otterwell from Jersey Heritage at the site who will be leading some interactive learning.
We are all very excited to be able to go on trips again.
Kind regards,
The Year 4 Team