St John's School

Year 5 Beach Visit

I am delighted that we are able to take part in a day at the beach to combine a number of learning experiences which will greatly benefit the children.

Please sign your son/daughter in with me at Greve de Lecq beach between 8.30am and 9.00am.

Pick up between 2.30pm and 2.50pm

Please can pupils arrive dressed in swimming costumes/shorts and non-uniform suitable for the weather including a hat and wearing suntan lotion.

They will need:

  • Towel or robe.
  • Wetsuit (optional, they can be provided)
  • Waterproof bag for wet swimming gear.
  • A pair of old trainers or beach shoes for swimming in. 
  • Lunch, snack and extra water.
  • Suntan lotion to reapply after swimming.
  • Hat.
  • Warm top.
  • Spade.

Please could you ensure that every item is named.

Many thanks

Mrs Day


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