School Events Update
Dear Parents,
I just wanted to touch base and provide you with a quick update about events in school.
We are very busy at the moment.
Tomorrow, we have a visit from Dr. Susan Soan from NASEN. The GoJ has commissioned NASEN to undertake a review of inclusive education. The term 'educational inclusion' in the context of this review, is taken to include SEND, JP, EAL, vulnerable children, marginalised learners. Dr Soan will be collecting evidence to support their work from a range of sources, including: key stakeholders, 19 schools ~ Nurseries, Primary/ Secondary Schools – non-fee paying and fee paying, support services and parents and carers. To do this Dr. Soan will visit St John’s to hear from Mrs Loveless, Mrs De La Haye and our support staff about their experiences. Mrs Loveless has organised our data, the many files we use to record our planning, processes and procedures, ready for this meeting. We know that it will be a helpful, supportive visit and we look forward to sharing our practice.
Tomorrow afternoon, Mrs Eldridge Mrotzek is in school interviewing our subject leaders and evaluating their Action Plans. This will be another supportive meeting and will ensure that we are providing our pupils with rigorous and exciting learning opportunities.
On Monday I was involved in shortlisting teachers to cover our vacancy in school. I will be interviewing candidates on Friday.
On Monday 28th June, we have a Virtual Visit – all day – from Dr Mark Linfield. He will spend the day talking to myself and staff about the school’s response to COVID-19, discuss pupil progress during this very disruptive year and our current position. We are preparing our evidence trail for this visit.
We are being evaluated in our Rights Respecting School journey on Wednesday July 7th.
Staff have completed reports and these will be going out towards the end of term. We will have optional parents evenings offered towards the end of term; however, we are returning to tight COVID procedures during this third wave, so please plan on coming only if you have a worry or concern that is highlighted through the report. It is not an expectation that you should attend.
I have attended a number of COVID related meetings this week, as concerns are expressed due to the rise of COVID cases, including the re-emergence of cases in some schools. Please be reassured that we are being very vigilant. Staff are tested weekly and we send home any pupil who is unwell. I update the Risk Assessment regularly, thinking through possible dangers. Hand washing and not mixing bubbles remains at the heart of what we do. We were advised to expect more cases in schools and possible class closures.
We have been encouraged not to have events in school that either bring groups of people together where mixing could take place or hold indoor events.
After much discussion and heart wrenching, but following the strict guidance we have been given, we have decided that on Friday 25th, holding a normal Sports Day, where children mix bubbles and parents stand in close proximity, fails to meet the regulations. Instead KS2 will go to the REC and engage in some competitive races followed by a few class fun sports. This will also tie in well with our well being week. EYFS and KS1 will organise a few fun sporting activities at school. After Christmas and not being able to mix pupils for Deco Day, we are gutted by this. Guidance is there to keep us safe and the last thing we want is to promote an opportunity for COVID to spread among our pupils/ families before the holidays. We are truly frustrated by COVID and are desperate to return to normal. Hopefully a new school year will bring an end to this time. We are unsure what this means for Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly; but we want to prepare you that the end of term remains unclear at this stage.
We believe that there have been further charges against a previous member of staff. I have not been notified by this; however, there could be some media coverage over the next few weeks, and I wanted you to be aware.
Phew! Busy times, but hopefully some opportunities to celebrate the end of this challenging year with our “resilient” staff and pupils.
Kind regards,
Trudie De La Haye
Trudie De La Haye | Head Teacher