Message from Mrs De La Haye
Good morning everyone.
I wanted to send a short Parentmail to say thank you for your support, encouragement and positive response this week. The children have been very settled in school and there has been some amazing learning completed. I introduced the book “The Magic is Inside You” by Cathy Domoney on Monday morning. This launched our term. I chose the book to reiterate positive thinking, courage, choice making and resilience, as I wanted to support the children in school with these messages. Staff have developed these themes in class and I have seen some incredible thinking displayed on walls, in books and through conversations with children. We do not know what each day may bring, but in school we are following tight hand washing procedures, maintaining class bubbles, encouraging children to keep distance in class and as they walk around school and following our rigorous cleaning of door handles, surfaces and toilets. We have kept some windows slightly open around school, to ensure good ventilation. We played with different formulas on Monday and by Tuesday morning, had achieved the right balance, so that school is a pleasant temperature, with good air flow.
Please could I encourage you to wear a mask at drop off and pick up. I have received a few concerned messages from parents, who feel a little anxious about parents/ children who talk together, unmasked, and close together, at the beginning and end of the school day, and how easily the virus could be spread, unwittingly, between groups. We will help each other through this time and one day, hopefully sooner rather than later, all will return to normal.
Have a good weekend.
Kind regards, Trudie De La Haye
Trudie De La Haye | Head Teacher