St John's School

Year 5 Swimming

15th September 2021
Y5 Swimming – Starting Monday 20th September
Dear Year Five Parents,
Welcome to Year 5! I hope you are feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting school year ahead. We are certainly hitting the ground running this term, with Swimming and St. Aubin’s Fort and much more in class besides! More information will follow in the Curriculum Letter, giving an overview of the term ahead. This letter is to inform you about the Year 5 swimming lessons and to ask for parental help with these.
Starting Monday 20th September, Year 5 will be going to Haute Vallée Swimming Pool for weekly swimming lessons. We will leave school at 10.35 am and will return to school at approximately 12.15 pm.
Parental Help
A driver from Centre Point will drive one minibus, accompanied by a member of staff. I will drive the other minibus, however, I will need one parent helper each Monday to ensure the correct supervision ratio is met. Please do get in touch if you are able to help, even if for only one or two sessions. Please email myself or the school office if you are able to help.
Children will need:
• Named Swimwear Either one-piece swimming costumes, trunks or shorts.
Do not bring long baggy shorts, as these are very hard to swim in!
• Named Goggles,
• Named Swimming cap
• Named Towel or Changing Robe
Due to Covid restrictions children must wear their swimming costumes underneath their PE kits. Children can get changed in the changing rooms after their sessions and cubicles will be available for use.
It is expected that primary school children will be able to:
• Swim 25m front crawl
• Swim 25m back stroke
• Swim 25m breaststroke
• Tread water for 1 minute
• Jump in safely (using a straddle entry)
• Duck dive to the bottom of the pool
I am sure Y5 will once again thoroughly enjoy the swimming sessions. Thank you very much for help in making sure they are organised each week.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Andre Le Rossignol