Nursery Closure Monday 14th February and Reception update.

Dear Nursery and Reception Parents,
You will be aware that we have worked relentlessly hard to keep classes open at St John's School. We have experienced many Covid cases amongst staff and pupils. We thought the many hours of juggling staff had successfully got us to half term. Unfortunately, this was not to be. This morning, 3 members of staff from Nursery and a couple from Reception, have received positive PCR test results and are quite unwell. They will all be absent from school for the forthcoming week.
The remaining Reception staff, Mrs Moorhouse and I, will try to keep the Reception class up and running this week - but please be aware that normal classroom routines may look a little different. Having spent 3 hours trying to find cover for Nursery, and Mr Pallant and myself contacting every supply teacher on the supply list, we must admit defeat. I hope you will know that closing a class is not something I would do without trying everything. We have a further 4 staff who are absent with covid in other classes, and as a result, we are stretched to full capacity, as we move teachers and learning support staff around other year groups. It is with sadness, that we will have to close the Nursery class next week. If the situation changes in any way, and we can reopen Nursery, I will be delighted to let you know.
I am very sorry, as I know how difficult and challenging this will be for you.
Thank you for your understanding and support with this,
Kind regards,
Trudie De La Haye
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